
Application form for online access

Register for Online Services

Repeat Prescriptions

Repeat prescriptions can be requested in the following ways:

We regret that requests for repeat prescriptions cannot be accepted over the telephone.

Your prescription will be sent electronically to your nominated pharmacy. All prescriptions are now electronic so you will not need to collect from the surgery. You can change your nomination at any time using online services, by calling the surgery or asking your pharmacy.   

Please allow up to three full working days following our receipt of your prescription request before you collect from the pharmacy. 

Using online services

Online services can give you access to order prescriptions, book appointments, view test results and your medical records on your computer or smart device, all from the comfort of your own home. 

The easiest way to access electronic services online is via your NHS account. See the Online Services section below for further information

Requesting at the surgery

Please tick which items are required on your repeat prescription list then hand in to reception, post in the black box in the foyer or, when the surgery is closed, post through the prescriptions letterbox at the front of the building. If the item you are requesting is not on the list, or you do not have a repeat prescrption list, write your request on a piece of paper, including your name, date of birth, address, usual doctor and the medication you require. 

Click here to see a map of pharmacies “near me” including opening times, services etc.


Online services

The easiest way to register for online services is by setting up an NHS Account. The NHS Account gives you access to order your prescriptions, obtain your COVID Pass, book appointments, change your organ donation preferences, see your medical records and view your test results all in one place, either online or using the NHS App on your smart device. For more information about the NHS Account, click here


Below are the links for each service supported by this practice:


Click here to view your local pharmacies, this provides a map of pharmacies “near me” including opening times, services etc. 


Pharmacist consultation

Electronic Repeat Dispensing (eRD)

If you or someone you care for uses the same medicines regularly, you may be able to benefit from electronic repeat dispensing. This means you won't have to re-order or collect your repeat prescriptions from your GP practice every time you need more medicine.

You simply collect your regular medication from your usual pharmacy each month without actually having to order it. 

Find out more and get set up on Electronic Repeat Dispensing (eRD) here. 

NHS Prescription Charges

These charges apply in England only. In Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales prescriptions are free of charge.

  • Prescription (per item): £9.90
  • 12-month prepayment certificate (PPC): £114.50
  • 3-month PPC: £32.05

If you will have to pay for four or more prescription items in three months or more than 14 items in 12 months, you may find it cheaper to buy a PPC.

  • Telephone advice and order line 0845 850 0030
  • General Public - Buy or Renew a PPC On-line

There is further information about prescription exemptions and fees on the NHS website.

Who can get Free Prescriptions?

Help with NHS costs

In England, around 90% of prescription items are dispensed free. This includes exemptions from charging for those on low incomes, such as:

  • those on specific benefits or through the NHS Low Income Scheme
  • those who are age exempt
  • those with certain medical conditions

For further information, see the NHS Choices Website

Electronic Prescription Service (EPS)

This practice is set up for the electronic prescription service. This means that all prescriptions are sent electronically, either:

  • To your nominated pharmacy; this can be changed at any time online, with the pharmacy or at the surgery at your request
  • To the NHS Spine; using your NHS number, a prescription barcode or printed prescription token, you can have your medication dispensed at any community pharmacy. 

For more information please click here.

Private Prescriptions

If you have been recommended or prescribed treatment as privately accessed healthcare, this cannot be converted to an NHS prescription (FP10) by the surgery. To safeguard equitable access to the NHS for all individuals, the NHS is not permitted to subsidise prescription costs associated with privately recommended treatments. 

If you have started treatment privately (obtained medication initially on private prescription) that has subsequently been recommended to continue, and this treatment is routinely accessible on the NHS (for example, on local or national guidelines and/or NICE approved), then the surgery will normally be able to continue this prescription for you as part of your NHS treatment. 

For further information, see the following links: